Second Author Meets Critics Features Hilary Malatino and “Queer Embodiment”

Second Author Meets Critics Features Hilary Malatino and “Queer Embodiment”

Hilary Malatino, Penn State assistant professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, research associate in the Rock Ethics Institute, and member of the Bioethics Advisory Committee, will present their recent book, “Queer Embodiment: Monstrosity, Medical Violence, and Intersex Experience,” on Thursday, October 24, in 110 Henderson on the University Park campus at 3:30 p.m. The event is part of the Rock Ethics Institute’s Author Meets Critics series.

The program will also feature respondents Amanda Swarr, associate professor of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Washington; and Tim Johnston, director of national projects at SAGE/Advocacy and Services for LGBT Elders. Rock Ethics Institute Associate Director Erin Heidt-Forsythe, associate professor of Political Science and Women’s Studies, will serve as moderator.

This event has been organized by the Rock Ethics Institute. Penn State cosponsors are: the Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; the Bioethics Program; and the College of Health and Human Development.

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